About The Grace Trybe


Decisions sometimes bring people to crossroads in life. This was the case with Omar and Jane Pela, having taken a decision in September 1997, after which they heard the Lord say to them, “Nobody has the patent  to God… go help my people become all I created them to be and all they want to be in me…”

This led them to start the multifaceted Saints Foundation International, with a church arm known as House of Grace (now known as The Grace Trybe). 

From the humble beginning of holding the first service at their then residence on the outskirts of Lagos with about 20 people in attendance including their gate man and his six children, on the last Sunday of November in 1997, the ministry has grown into thousands of people, with ministry arms, branches, campus fellowships, mission outreaches within and outside Nigeria where the Church headquarters is located.  

In December of 2022, at the end of its annual Gospel Festival celebrations, the church was renamed The Grace Trybe to reflect more of its identity and speak more unto its purpose of being a missionary church.

Our Statement

We believe that the Bible is inspired, that it is Infallible and that it is authored by God; and that it is the handbook by which human life can be successfully lived as God designed. 

We believe according to the scriptures that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, bringing grace and truth and that the way to know the will and the mind of God now is by that which His advent accomplished.


Pastors Omar Akpona and Jane Amen Pela are the founders and Senior Pastors of The Grace Trybe, headquartered in Nigeria with branches locally and internationally. 

Pastor Omar, was ordained a pastor in 1986, having received the Lordship of Jesus Christ in 1980. With a very unique way of ministering, he is gifted with the ability of making complex things simple and so communicates the word of God with incredible ease and simplicity. With a passion for helping people fulfill their purpose in life, he is an author, TV producer, Church Planter and more. He is married to Jane, whom he met while they were students in the University of Benin and got married in July 1995. 

Pastor Jane Pela, having received the Lordship of Jesus Christ in 1985, miraculously had her tongue loosed as she got healed from a bad stuttering condition and began singing and writing songs. An award winning artist, worship leader, song writer, columnist, author, podcast host and more, she was ordained a pastor in 1996. Ministering with a strong bias in the prophetic and the supernatural, she left her career in banking for ministry. A graduate of Economics and Statistics from the University of Benin, in Nigeria, she is married to Omar with whom they have 3 biological children and several adopted children. They both founded the Grace Trybe (previously known as House of Grace) in which they both serve as senior Pastors

Our Core Values

Our core values can be seen in the acronym REAL, which stands for Righteousness, Excellence, Accountability and Love.


We are committed to doing the rightness of God
at all times. 2nd Corinthians 5:21 says that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.


We are called to display the virtues and
excellence of God. 1st Peter 2:9


We are a people of faithfulness, loyalty
and accountability. Luke 16:10


The love of Christ has been lavishly spread in our hearts by the Holy-Ghost, Romans 5:5

Gospel Festival 2024 is here!! Happening from Mon. 2nd to Sun. 8th of Dec.Read more...